My First Post 12/22/02
My First Post
Today, I decided to look into Blogs, read a few and was intrigued. I set this Blog up to see what will happen. I already lost my first post. Hmmm, am feeling technically challenged. Well, let's see if this process will work for me. Have tried to keep a handwritten journal but have not been successful.I am still trying to figure out how my first acupuncture session (about 2 months ago) might have impacted my reading experience. I was reading about 1 mystery a day. At the time, I had 3 mysteries in various stages of completion. After that first appointment, have been unable to continue any of the books I was reading. I gave up and returned 50+ mysteries to the library. At this point, I've given up on mysteries.
Since the first acupuncture session, I switched to reading nonfiction. I've read 30+ books (2 on copy layout, 6 on Windows XP, 15 on newsletters, 10 on writing). I have 34 library books downstairs to be read (various subjects). In addition, the library is holding 40+ books (various subjects) for me to pickup! I thought the library books would dribble in when I originally put holds on them. Within a week, there were 30 to be picked up! I telneted in to the library to put my holds on Inactive, but another 30+ were waiting for me. I inactivated the remaining 30 holds until I can get caught up with my reading. I need to figure out how to read faster.
I do have a life outside of reading. I am trying to keep my reading time down to no more than 5 hours a day. I bought a course called Photo Reading. So far, took it out of the box but put it aside when I saw that it used mind mapping techniques. I tend to feel negatively toward mind mapping stuff. I just finished reading Write the Natural Way (or a title close to that) and my resistance to mind mapping is fading. Somehow, I need to put the reading course on the front burner.
In addition, my puppy is still not completely house broken. We flunked puppy school and are looking for another school. Maybe, I should get a trainer to come to the house. In Puppy School there were so many distractions for Max. He was so obnoxious to the teacher. Oh well...
I think I can post this and then edit it.
How come the sentences just keep running one after another? There must be a way to double space between paragraphs. Hard returns do not seem to work. No, they do work when posted to the Blog.
Today is 12/22/02 and I am trying to find out why nothing from November is showing up in my blog nor is it archived.
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