Finished Is There a Book Inside You and started The Self-Publishing Manual, by the same author (Dan Poynter). I am a little disappointed because whole sections were lifted from the first book and put in the second book. The second book is in its 8th edition printing, 1994. The second book is copyrighted around 1985 (2nd edition). I guess this is what the author means when he says to write multiple books under the same topic/umbrella. I did not expect him to copy himself, though. I hope that once I get into the meat of the book, there will be newer information.
I enjoy reading this author. He writes clearly and communicates easily.
Self-Publishing sounds like something worth further investigation. Publishing might be an enjoyable activity. Writing and publishing How-to and Self-Help books, pamphlets, and newsletters sound like a productive use of my time. Since I love to read and involve myself with in-depth learning situations, writing and publishing might be a logical extension.
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