Sunday, February 09, 2003

Singing and MSG

Well, I just finished singing for two hours. What a difference. I was starting to feel depressed and a little down in the dumps.

I think it was the buffet at the Halekulani that Fred invited us to this morning. It is awfully expensive ($40+ per head) and had really great tasting stuff. But, because the hotel caters to so many Japanese tourists, I suspect the food is loaded with MSG and other flavor enhancers. They cook made-to-order omelets that taste wonderful. I know that taste did not come out of the eggs...nature had to have some help from man. I wonder if the Japanese nationals somehow are immune to effects of MSG. The people in Hong Kong also heavily dose their food with the flavor enhancers. Someone told me that even McDonald's had to add MSG to their burgers if they wanted Hong Kong customers. I hope we will not see some sort of MSG syndrome down the road. Hawaii definitely seems to be exhibiting symtoms of an MSG intolerance.

Anyway, back to singing, I sang about 40 songs, non-stop. That is a lot for me. Usually, D and I alternate singing so we can rest in-between songs. I feel like I have been doing some cardio and a little strength training. I did choose slower songs than normal. I guess it was just the disks I selected.


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