Monday, April 28, 2003

It has been more than 40 days since I posted here. The war sucked up all my attention. I also have been using the text reader software which allowed me to cover so much more news and writings. Even now, I am listening to William Safire's OpEd on Colin Powell in the NY Times today. I may have to listen to it again. Typing requires more of my attention than listening while playing Spider Solitaire.

I have been looking at the Enneagram again. I guess I am still a Nine with a strong Eight wing. The listening while playing Solitaire seems so like a Nine. I have not been able to get focused or committed to anything. My routine is not as filled with activities as it used to be.

Am getting through my Library books in a reasonable fashion. I still have 400 plus books to read in my home library. Don't have a workable plan to get these books read. The pressutre is always to get to the library books read. I have about 19 borrowed, 14 on hold at the library and 20 on order. I shall try not to order any more books from the library and start reading my own books. I would like to start paring down my home library. It is becoming just a dust magnet.

Why do I collect books? I have a hard time getting rid of nonfiction books, unlike fiction which gets donated readily. Some my books are already obsolete. However, I still plan to read them. Plus, I keep buying more books.


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