Earhart's Plane Located in Nikumaroro?
I just spent the last couple of hours researching this story. In 2001, Ikonos satellite photos detected what might be her airplane off an atoll (Nikumaroro) in the Kiribati Islands. I spent about an hour looking at the photos but could not detect any anomalies. Then, I read a report (http://www.tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/Bulletins/07_12_01%20Bulletin/Nikusatphotopage2.html) which showed where the "anomaly" was. All it was were 4 or 5 rust colored pixels that should not be there. This area corresponds to other reports of plane wreckage sightings over the years. I am not sure if an expedition has gone back to Nikimaroro yet. There have been 5 expeditions to this atoll looking for proof that this is where Earhart landed her plane. The entire report is a fascinating read.I just copied to above link to make sure it will work, and yup, it is a good link. I am not sure why it is not live here in this Blog. Oop's, just figured out that the Globe/link button is to be used when creating a live link. Neat.
I forgot that I wanted to test writing to this blog from outside on the web. I got so carried away by the Earhart story. I am unclear why it catured my interest after lunch today. It is not as though the info is newsy (more than a year old). However, it was news to me. Since adding online newspapers to my list of new reading interests, I am pressed for time.
Misc Ramblings
Fortunately, have not been too tired lately... 3 am has become my normal sleep time. Waking is around 8 am.I asked my doctor whether or not this change in my reading tastes can be relied on. I would hate to make plans based on my becoming more interested in real world matters (verses mysteries and computer games) then suddenly look up and not want to read another newspaper or nonfiction book. What if I went back to reading SciFi? I stopped reading SciFi and Fantasy SciFi about 5 years ago, I think. Then for years, it was mysteries and mysteries and then more mysteries.
In my entire life, have never really read nonfiction or been interested in newspapers. Now when reading a nonfiction, I am consumed by the book. I rush through it because I can hardly wait to read the next paragraph. What a shift! Newspapers are not as consuming. I do not read them cover-to-cover.
Have not yet made any shifts to magazines. I subscribe to:
PC World - This is OK, I like to read reviews and new product infos
Pocket PC - Always looking for interesting software to try
Computer Shopper - May not renew this one
PC Gamer - Definitely will not renew
Vanity Fair - Definitely will not renew
Marie Claire - Not too sure I will renew
Mountain Astrologer - Have not read a single article, but Optimistically keep all 8 issues next to my computer.
E Week - Do not read
Money - Do not read
Home Business - look for ideas here
Home Business Journal - still looking for ideas
Lucky - Hate this mag...I think it if for a much younger person
National Geographic - Plan to read, but never seem to have the time
Psychology Today - Sometimes read - Not sure if will renew
Discover - This is new and have not received my first copy
Dog Fancy - This is new and have not received my first copy
Cat Fancy - This is new and have not received my first copy
Popular Science - This is new and have not received my first copy
Writer's Digest - This is new and have not received my first copy
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