Sunday, December 22, 2002

What has been going on since 12/14?

I have not been blogging here for about a week. I have made little notes and adjustments to my other 3 Blogs, but nothing of substance. The family party on the 14th was a success. Everyone seemed to have a good time. There was no Prie Rib left over! This is first!

A lot more has been going on. D encourages me to continue this process, She believes that there is a lot of benefit to be gained via this venue. I wonder why she has not started her own Blog. I shall have to ask her about that. My thoughts are racing along. As usual, there are so many ideas I am following up in my mind. I should try to list them here so that I don't lose them:

The missing 92 Nuclear Bombs at Sea
So far, all I have found is a detailed posting on the usenet of more dates and details. I mailed the article to myself and will continue to research for more solid facts and try to verify what details I have.

The FDA's citations against the ARC regarding the safety violations on their collection and dissemination of Blood products
Have written a email to the ARC author who wrote a sappy news release on the ARC website. I thought the article talked around the problem and was very misleading. However, want a reply because my facts are skimpy

Using Hormone Replacement Therapy for men to enable them to recapture their energies
Sent the NY Times article to D and myself with the hope that we will discuss in more depth. I talked to Dick about the article and he agrees with me that the treatments seem dangerous. Will this be the man's version of a fen-fen disaster in 5 years? There have not really been any extended testing of the long-term effects of using hormones to recapture a more youthful energy level.

Family genetic testing - possibilities
Need to follow-up on the PBS 3-part special on family genetics (Our Genes/Our Choices). It will show nationally on PBS during January. Our local station does nothave it on its listing. I want to call them to find out why.

PowerLock Anti-theft for the Car I saw this on the web last night (at the DidYouKnow website) and asked them to mail me a hard copy brochure. The cost is around $250 to $300 with another $100 for installation. The family uses nine cars (four households). Perhaps, with that volume, we could negotiate a discount (gg).

Send for more information of the enlarger for people with macular degeneration - have to find the copy of the ad I made on Monday..this is the cost of clutter. Can't find anything.

My MBTI test score changes from ENTJ to INTP (is this possible?)
My Enneagram point change from a Nine to a One (this doesn't seem possible)
My astrology thrust from Capricorn to Aires

Oh-Oh...this is wierd...

These last three are causing me some consternation. I keep joking with D and saying that I am a "walk-on" and not the being I used to be. Is there more substance to this joke? I did (sort of) mean it...more from the POV of my change in reading style and preferences. I have always been a reader. However, I have NEVER enjoyed the non-fiction genre. I found those books boring, tedious, and there were just too few pictures to engage my mind! With Sci-Fi or Mysteries, I did not need pictures. The words transported me to a different place. Wait! That is another reading no longer transports me anywhere but I remain in my head, visualizing and rolling with the images. Each day, I become aware of more areas that I want to learn about. My new hero is Isaac Asimov! I can't believe that I just borrowed his Autobiography. This is another FIRST! I don't remember ever reading an autobio. Read a few biographies, though. But, I am digressing.

In addition, at eMode, took a number of tests in 2000. Starting to retake them...surprise, surprise, results are changing. While taking the test, I am sure that I am answering exactly the same as before...however, the scoring says otherwise. I want to retake the Dog test just too see if the test changed. Until this moment, I was sure that test would not change. I mean, two years ago, I took the test 3 or 4 times because I did not want to be a German Shepard! I thought a GS sounded just too boring. I finally accepted the result. The other day, I did take the test of What Kind of Dog are you at Work. I turned out to be a Lab (which is very close to GS in

I may do some dreamwork on these questions. Would like a little more certainty about life purposes and paths instead of just following my nose everywhere! If I don't start directing my energies, I could look up, be 65 and not any closer to my goals (whatever they are).

B just called me and we talked about the two cars he bought for the family. He and I went 50-50 on a Matrix and he also bought a Suzuki . He thought that J and I would use the Matrix and Rob would use the Suzuki. As it is turning out, J and R like the Suzuki better and feel the Matrix is too small. Hmmm, you would think the price was right! I am not sure where B is going with this, but he suggested that I take the Matrix home and try it. He feels that I might end up really liking the car (smaller, easier to park, etc.). Then, he thought that my Lexus could become the family's 3rd car for emergencies. I don't feel enthused for this idea. I like my Lexus and am not sure I want to see it filled with all the kids! Am I being selfish? I told B that I would bring the car home and try it out. Dick can drop me off at J's house today after the movie and I'll drive it home.

Something is happening here. I am feeling "heavier" and it is like a tiny burden just sat on my chest. As I look inside, did a "transfer" happen during the cell call? There was a lot of static and it was hard to hear clearly. Is this my reaction to "guilt"? Intellectually, I know that I am in charge here. Just re-read the last paragraph and there was a definite charge when J mentioned. Wow...need to reflect here. Will close for now.


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