Sunday, January 05, 2003

Catch Me If You Can

This movie is based on a true story of a teenage con artist (DiCapprio) who stole about 4 million via bad checks and the no-personal-life FBI agent (Tom Hanks) who ultimately catches him. While doing the stealing, teenager successfully impersonates a Co-Pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer (who also gets hired as an assistant DA). He even takes the New Orleans bar exam after studying for two-weeks (this is apparently true). The movie rating is PG-13. I am not sure I would take kids to see this movie because liking the teenager but hating the crime may not translate well for kids.

The movie was a lot of fun. It happens during the 60's which was a more "innocent" time for America. Airline pilots were looked up to. Children wanted their autographs. Stewardesses were glamorous and flying was safe.

I would enjoy seeing this movie again. Hard to believe this is a Spielberg movie.

4.5 stars


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