Well, this day has definitely slipped by me without a warning. I really did not do much. Got back from lunch around 3:00 pm. Stopped off at Fred's to have some freshly squeezed wheat grass. The taste is a lot better than the powdered stuff.
I spent some time looking at his Beta and VHS library (very well indexed, too). There were more than 3,000 tapes representing more than 12,000 hours of great performances, celebrity interviews and other programming on TV from the last 35 years! Fred said that he never tapes over and reuses his tapes. He watches the old stuff all the time. Many of the artists are now deceased. If I were a TV watcher, I would be tempted to watch some of them.
I suggested to Fred that he might want to convert the beta, at least, to CD. I would think we could get 2 betas on one CD. If we were to go DVD, we could get a lot more transferred. However, I would need to do a lot more research about this. If it were feasible, it would make sense to organize the betas into groupings so that similar stuff would be on one CD/DVD. I thought something like...all performances by so-and-so. I thought this would be an interesting learning process.
Interesting that I thought about this...I have been talking to Brian about converting all his LP's to CD. This is another convoluted process. Let me think what it would entail...recording song on computer, cleaning up for all the scratches/problems, then recording on to CD. I would guess the whole album would be recorded to the computer first, cleaned then recorded to CD. He would have to decide if he wanted one CD per album. I think he has about 500 albums. This is another labor intensive activity.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Let's hope I don't go anywhere with them. MSI's project takes priority before taking on any more new activities.
As an estimate, I would guess that the labor hours needed to complete most of the work would be around 100+ (split between D & me). Except, I do have a tendency to go off on tangents, so maybe the time spent will be greater. However, I am pretty sure we will gain a lot of knowledge in the process. Knowledge is never wasted.
Interesting fact: Fred got a used car in 1971 for $900 (a Buick Skylark). He drove it for 30 years and finally gave it to the daughter of a friend in 2001. The car is still running well....amazing!
Back at 7:55 PM I invited to PG to have prime rib left overs. It was just pasta and the prime rib. However, it was still good! I thought the gravy I made was too salty. However, both PG and Dick thought it was fine. After dinner, I took Max outside and also looked for Saturn. Dick said that Saturn should visible in the sky for the next 3 weeks. It is supposed to be closest to earth than anytime in the last 30 years.
Today, Dick was grumbling because he wants to go on another trip. I think he has forgotten about Las Vegas....hmmm, I do hope he is kidding. On 1/14/03. Max will be 9 months old. Still a way to go before travel becomes possible for me.
I need to get a trainer to come here and train Max. I need some professional help with the boy. PG's girlfriend's daughter trains dogs in Kaneohe. Hopefully, she will be able to come to the house to train Max. I need some help getting Max and Tugger together. I also do not know when to give him the run of the house. I am sure being tied up to the bedpost is not the best place for him. However, on the plus-side, Dick is down there almost all day. So, he is not alone.
Hey! I just remembered that I have not taken my pills for weeks. How does that happen? I better go downstairs and take them. I am feeling a little out of sorts. Actually, do feel a little confused and a tad bit "down". I wonder if this has anything to do with the gravy I made. I used powdered beef bullion. I should go check the ingredients.
Before I do that, wanted to jot this down in case I forget...today, Dick named the statute that Fred gave Max. I told Dick that fred ask what we named the statute. So, I asked him if he could think of a cute name for the westie statute.
I said, "How about Wax?"
Instead, Dick said "let's call him Million".
I said..."Million...well okay, if you think that is cute"...I started to walk away...thinking, "Million...sheesh...what kind of name was that?"
Dick called from his chair..."...you know, Max & Million"
Duh...I started to laugh uproariously!
Did not want to forget this fun moment...which I later repeated with Fred and PG. Dick does have a good sense of humor.
Stopped at 8:19 PM Back at 9:43 PM
Took my pills, checked the beef bullion, checked my email (felt totally empowered by D's acknowledgement), checked my Milo&Stitch game, check my usenet post, played with Max, watched a segment on the news called School America, I think (plan to do more research on this fascinating project).
Going to clean 12 inches of my office.
Back at 1:29 AM Well, I cleared at least 12 inches of desk space behind me.
Back at 3:02 AM Oh-oh..did not realize what time it was. Cleared another 12 inches of desk space. YEA! Also prepared a page of 4 photos (my office BC and AC)...(before cleaning and after cleaning). Send this file to D in the hopes that she will enjoy the rare site of 12 inches of my desktop.
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