From D on the SOTU address
I think President Bush in his SOTU address got allot of help determing just what the american people wanted to hear. I was impressed by his manner of speaking (he came off looking like a very level headed but determined head of state, rather than a haranguing, boot beating war monger) After the speech the channel I watched discussed his economic policies and programs for changes. Not sure where all the money he plans to spend on these programs are coming from tho. After the speech I was convinced that we are going to war. It's just a matter of when. I was a bit depressed. (However) I agreed with him that we cannot trust Hussein to do the right thing for his country or for the rest of the world.Did you read that the U.S. is negotiating a location for Hussein to take his family? Why the negotiating? Because it's cheaper than going to war was the answer.
I think Bush allocated enough time on domestic issues to reassure americans that he was working on our behalf and spent the rest of the time trying to gain support for a war with Iraq. I think he did it!! IMHO...
From MRS - War on Terror and SOTU address
by MRS: I have read a lot of criticism from the Left regarding Bush's speech and plan. I am sick of reading Opinions that seem to want America to do nothing but watch the UN accept Hussein's refusal to disarm. I assume these same people would clamor for action when thousands of additional lives are lost because the terrorist world stepped up the ante. The line was drawn 12 years ago. Hussein stepped over it many times with no significant (to him) consequences. That his own people had to pay for his conquest ambitions, apparently, made to difference to him. I believe until 9/11, the terrorist world had suffered no real consequences for their actions. Like the craven cowards that they are, they hide themselves behind religious trappings.The US has been unable to retaliate because they could not locate the actual perpetrators. Finally, we are saying, it doesn't matter what fanatic pulled the trigger. We want the group/government who gave them the guns/bombs/weapons/money/support! That's is how you wage a War on terrorism! Get to the source and fight there. These fanatics are supported completely. They do not get jobs, save their money, and go buy the bombs, etc. They are handed their tools, assignments, etc. They act like the good sheep that they are. America needs to shut down the suppliers in a way that warns future terrorists of the dire consequences of messing with America and its allies.
Just realized that you were writing about the SOTU address and I was ranting on and on about the War on Terror. Sorry, you know what tunnel vision I suffer from sometimes.
I wish that Americans did not need to be reassured that Bush has a domestic focus. They want their leaders to be all things to all people. People are so worried about the state of the economy. There have always been ups and downs and there probably always will be. Why is everyone so worried about the future? This is America. Really, where is te world going to invest their wealth (in the long term)? Europe? Middle East? Asia? South America? Africa? I bet on America.
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