Saturday, November 30, 2002

New Projects For The Day:

Finally got the blogrolling info to post correctly. Just spent a few minutes looking at other blogs. At this point, other blogs do not interest me. I am trying to work out some issues and this blog looks like it might help that process. The structured appoach adds some order to my random thoughts. Of course, the ability to change what I wrote in the past weakens the blog benefit. I have already made small changes to "history". Should I stop doing this? Nah...Everytime I change something, I reread the whole blog. This help clarify my thinking. Of course, my "mind" is changing on a daily basis.

Last night, I committed to listing all of my the uninstalled software. That might have been a bit rash. How can I do this without driving me crazy? I do not want to pull everything off the shelves and start listing. I suppose I can list them in excel, sort by type and them list here. Maybe, I should use Word so that I can just copy and paste the finish product. Can I paste here from Excel? Don't know. I'll go check.

I want to see if this can be copied into my Blog.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Hey, it works! I have to publish this to see what gets onto the web page:
Oh darn...the colume widths do not translate. Ok, I can work with that. So, I shall use Excel and then copy the list here. I think PW may have created a list of all the software I owned as of 4 or so months ago. She was generating a list of what she could sell on I'll go look on the other computer. At least, that will give me a starting point. Have to remember that I only want the uninstalled software. This project is becoming less "daunting" as I type. Maybe I'll use this exercise to force me to get the home network functioning. I think ZoneAlarmPro maybe stopping the computers from seeing each other. Be right back...


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