Wednesday, December 25, 2002

The unblogged life may not be worth living but the unlived life is not worth blogging.

Found this quote on another Blog and liked it. Thought that I would quote it here and play around with the headings, alignment, and other html commands.

Just read the LA Times and a new website, Central Booking
I shall keep reading Central Booking (CB) until I made up my mind whether I want to read it regularly. CB is a website for booklovers and does contain many other links to other book sites. The problem is the focus tends to be on fiction and I have stopped reading fiction. I should try to do a seach looking for nonfiction sites.

Read LA Times article: The Loner - Larry McMurtry, Premier Western Novelist of a Generation, Seems Content With the Quiet Life in Archer City, Texas. Or Is He?
By Scott Kraft, Times Staff Writer

I had forgotten how long the LA Times articles can get. I sent a copy to D with a warning that it was quite long. I did not know the author since I have never read westerns. However, the man sounds like someone I would love to meet. He runs a second-hand bookstore (I think there are 4 in the small town). There are about 500,000 titles in the bookstores (not computerized). McMurtry main job is to keep out the junk books. The 500,000 books are all quality reads and much sought after. I think the town is described as a two hour drive out of Dallas. There are about 1,800 residents in the town.

A happy period in my life was when I ran the book department in a Gemco store in California. I got to decide what books to bring in, what to re-order, etc. What fun! I knew where every book was (what shelf, location on shelf, and about how many were left). My department also sold the candy for the store. I did not stay on top of the candy stocks. Valentine's Day was hard period because the candy boxes took over a lot of space that I normally used for books.

Would I be able to pick quality books? I suspect not because I am not that well read in general. I have had intense periods of reading Sci-Fi, then Fantasy Sci-Fi and finally Mysteries. Now I am reading nonfiction but am still too new to the genre to have any idea what constitutes a quality book. I am an indiscriminant reader. Generally, I pick a subject, go to the library and search the topic and then borrow every book in the library system on that topic. Many of the books are old and the information dated. However, I am still gaining knowledge. I suspect that after a while, some discrimination will be developed.


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