Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Today is New Year's Eve and I have been working to get together all the information on my donations (checks have to written and mailed today). I seemed to have lost the address label pages that I set up las year. OH! I know where they are...they are on the computer in the den. Darn...not on my network. Gosh, I am going to have to walk over there...gasp. Good thing I decided to start working out again.Toodles, for now!

Back 12:00 PM The charity list is down to 33 organizations. I am now making copies of the cover letter. This year, I wrote a different kind of letter. I requested that they not put our names on a solicitation list for interim pesting. I suggested that we would look negatively on these letters come next year. Anyway, will be curious to see what happens comer December 2003. I am not optimistic about this, but thought that we should give it a try.

Thank god that PG is helping me to write the checks. Last year, the checks were almost illegible because I was so stressed trying to write the checks, stuff the envelopes, stamp them and get them to the mailbox on time. This year feel like a breeze.

I have to go eat lunch. Dick is afraid if I go to late, I won't be hungry for his prime rib tonight! Slim chance.

As I look around the office, I give up trying to get it uncer control by 12/31. Somewhere in this blog, I may have used 1/31/03 as the date I would have the office ship-shape. That does feel doable. The anti-clutter books that I am reading may be inspiring me after all. Perhaps, after the 10th clutter book that I read, an irresistable mass of organized thinking will erupt from my being! I shall walk into the office and like Mary Poppins, just point and poof...it will clean itself...hah! Hey, don't be negative...this is only about a ream of very loose paper, books, computer software, clips, magazines, unopened mail...forget it..I am not going to list the clutter again! Toodles for now!

Back 2:53 PM Had the same old lunch at Big City Grill (fried rice). I am in training for the carbo reduction I plan to start in January. Just went over the checks that PG wrote and all is well in Melville. Now, all I have to do is to sign the check, put a stamp on the envelope and stuff it and then take it to the post office! Done for another year!


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