Just got home from running errands. I had to cancel Deb because we were trying to get together with MG. However, we can only meet for a short time beginning at 4 today. She has to go to the restaurant to pitch in until about 10:30 tonight. She is coming by for a drink and to see the house and meet with Max again. I went to Times and got some poki and ahi sashimi. I just got a tiny amount since I am not sure she eats that kind of stuff.
Deb called to see if tomorrow at 1 PM would work. I said "yes". Unfortunately, now that I am on the computer, I see that I agreed to meet with Fred and his niece and nephew tomorrow at 3:30. I should call them to see if we could push it back an hour. Then, I think everything will work out.
I also had lunch (fried rice and 2 pancakes) at Big City Diner. Don't have a clue what happened to my intent to cut way down on carbs. This feels a lot like I am increasing my intake. OHHH...Positive spin...I am just preparing for the imminent downsizing of my carb portions (hahahahahaha).
I want to clear out the bulk of my clutter between now and the end of January. However, there are a lot of things to do before 12/31. I have to write all my donation checks. I asked PG to be ready on Tuesday to write checks the whole day. I have labels ready from the prior years. Hopefully, this will not be a hassle. I give all the charities the same amount, now. Oh, except for the library, I usually give them double.
I should go downstairs and tidy up just a bit.
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