Misc Ramblings
I am waiting for Scott. I just put the lamb roast in the oven for Max. It should be done at 12. We will be at lunch, so Cheryl will take it out of the oven. Gotta remember to cook 10 cups of rice for Max so that I can make his breakfast.
Something seems to be wrong with the Canon printer. The color is not coming out properly. There is also something wrong with the HP printer color printing. What a lot of equipment woes this morning. I just started the canon printer to the cleaning option. Let's see what happens...
I am trying to figure out if I can renew the books I downloaded from the library. If not, I'll have to revise my reading plans. 21 days is a pretty short time to read 5 pdf books. I tried reading one last night and the print is not the clearest. I think I would rather have a hard copy to read.
Scott could not fix the HP computer. However, I worked on it tonight. I downloaded a winsockfix program that seem to fix the internet connection. I have not tired to get the wireless working yet. I think I'll leave that for Scott to work on Friday.
I made enough meals to last Max 11 days.
I am using a utility on the other computer which looks for duplicate files. It located 850 dups which equal about 2 GB of space. But, I am having difficulty getting control of the screen. Tonight just seems to not be a good computer night. What a hassle!
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