Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Lazy Sunday

I actually nodded off while I was on the computer an hour ago. Guess that means I am tired. I don't think I did a whole lot today.

Went to Costco to help Patricia buy a TV, well, actually, to give her a ride home. She had picked out a 26" flat TV for about $550. I happened to notice a HP desktop for $999 which was HD TV ready. It had 1 GB RAM, 320 GN HD, 22" flat panel, not much in software, but it did have Vista. Shucks. It had preloaded Works with a 60 day license. I told her my bad experiences with Works not working with Office.

Anyway, she put back the TV and bought the computer. She feels pretty good because she saved herself by not buying a TV and she had planned to spend abut $1,000 for a computer.

I went to Costco to buy paper towels and toilet paper. I ended up replacing most the ink cartridges that we went through printing all the program related materials. PLus, I have printed an inordinant amount of material relating to Fred these past months. I think the ink alone ran around $250! I bought some replacement paper and some household supplies for Fred's (4 packs of swifters - 3 dry and 1 wet). I bought my self a 3-part food warmer. Patricia wondered if I would make use of the warmer. But, I am optimistic that I shall start cooking more at home.

I was going to buy a microwave for the basement, but DLH's concerns about the electrical overloading caused me to stop.

When I got home, Jenny was still crushing pills for Tamojin and Phoenix. She was kinda slow so I helped her. I think she had about 15 packs for Phoenix and 20 packs for Tamojin. Within 1 1/2 hours, we had 60 packs for Tamojin and 40 for Phoenix. I had already dropped off 60 packs for Soretta, last week. My hands and arms are really aching.

I have to roast a leg of lamb for Max and Riley. I will do that before going out for dinner. We are going to YK, again. I like it there. When I get back, I shall cook 10 cups of rice (with chopped veggies). Hopefully, that will allow me to make 30 packs of frozen meals for the two guys.

While crushing pills, we watched Hannibal 3, I think. This is the one with Julian Moore, Ray Liotto, and the actor who always plays, Lector. It seemed a little boring. The scenes where the Liotta's skull is opened and bits of brain are cooked and fed to the drugged out Liotto were pretty disgusting.

PG just came over to ask for a pen. All of hers have run out of ink. Actually, these new pens that I bought from Costco do not seem to last for very long. Maybe, it was just all the addressing of the thank you cards that seemed to use a lot of ink.

Gotta run and put the leg of lamb in the oven!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Last 20 months just disappeared!

I can't believe that it has been 20 months since I posted here. What a shocker. Fred became sick, we rallied around him and tried to create some quality of life for him, and then he died 11 months later on May 1, 2007. Since then, I have been embroiled in a huge dispute which will last for about two years, probably.

So much has happened during the past 20 months. I can barely remember the person who posted here. I think I'll post this and then go back and read about me from years ago.

I feel so much clearer about what I need to do in order to accomplish some of my goals. However, I keep allowing myself to be distracted by life's daily happenings. I am making some changes which will allow me to take charge of my day-to-day activities.

I think the purpose of this Blog was to keep track of the passage of time. I guess I'll read the whole thing to see how well this blog accomplished its purpose.

Today was filled with a lot of activity:

1. Processed and mailed 40 packets for the people who missed the Remembrance Celebration
2. Bought 2007 calendars to keep track of time spent on Trustee matters + buy printer inks
3. Bought cookies for Dick + beer for the Beer Chicken
4. Looked at TVs with Patricia at two stores
5. Bought Casino Royale for Dick
6. Bought a dog brush for Riley
7. Changed bandages for Paula
8. Got a 2 hour massage
9. Went out for lunch @ YK
10. Reviewed Trust files setup be Patricia
11. Took Patricia home
12. Started this post