Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Forver Blue Boy is Gone "There will always be pain, and the way to deal with it is to make room for it....think on this when you think of the pain." Tugger, Tugger, Tuggeroo......we heard today that you are gone now.......I've been thinking about you all day. Trying to make sense of it all. Why. why, why? Why are you gone? All these long years have finally caught up with us through you. Years of cheer, happiness, companionship, love, softness, beauty, and watching your independent spirit. I went looking for photos of you and found your dear, handsome unsmiling (you never smiled little boy) face. You were always so serious. You never asked very much for anything did you? Of course, I was not always there, and just so like a cat you were always sleeping when it was time to visit with you. But I knew you were there and that was consolation enough. All the years have just slipped by.......just as in any of our lives, time takes control of our destiny. Time is a cruel task-master. So cruel, it makes me still want to cry. It's been over a year since we lost our sweet Sammi Lammi and that was heartbreaking enough, and then we had to lose Majik. If there is one thing that can console it is the fact of how you left. Both of you were so brave, and each of you took a path that was meant for the one true one who loved you to take a stand and make the decision of when to leave. It is stunningly clear to me that Majik allowed us to help him move beyond the veil. We had to choose no matter how difficult and how long it took us to decide. It really wasn't about choosing for Majik, it was about trust. You see Majik never trusted at all,he came from a situation where he had become a stray, and when he came into our lives, he still didn't trust. It took years, and years to make him believe that he could trust us, and in the end he trusted us enough to decide for him to let him go. He finally wanted to be with us, up to every heart-breaking moment. He did not want to leave us. He struggled every grueling day to stay with us, and I am convinced it was because he trusted us enough to choose for him. At the end we chose for him...... Now it was Tugger's turn to help make the decision. In his case it was a generous gift of love that he decide, because he knew that making the decision was much, much too difficult. Of this I am so clear.......Tugger chose. He made the decision to leave his wonderful family, because he "knew" there would be too much pain. This is such a gift to all of us. And yet we will still suffer his loss. Yes, Tugger, we will truly miss you. You were such a brave boy at the end. You knew exactly what you were doing, but it will still be a very long time for the pain to subside. You trust us to understand. We love dear sweet Tugger. And now the time to say goodbye and in the saying Say "Hi" to everybody okay? Tell them ALL that we will always hold you all in our thoughts and hearts forever. We love you all!!!! so much. We WILL remember ALL of you!! This eulogy will never replace your true, sweet self. You are a gift for our hearts and souls. We know that you have a very special place waiting for you over the Rainbow Bridge.



At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, D. You are right, Tugger never asked for much - he just wanted to live life on his terms ... the terror of vets - well, actually, only Dr K's (gg).

His favorite place was to lie on Dick's chest and purr contentedly.
He also liked to sleep near Dick's head.

I am so happy that he got to live the 6 months of his life as The Explorer Cat. He should have been awarded the Magellan Award!

Good bye, Sweetie Pie.
I will also miss you and think of you always...


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