Thursday, November 24, 2005

My To Do List

I need to start a new list of Projects/Tasks that I want to complete. I shall just list them in no particular order (use BLUE print when DONE):

  1. research the Sony rootkit CD problem - I think it pertains to my HP752 issues - I'm pissed
  2. learn how to clean and optimize WinXP
  3. start the Chinese painting study book
  4. put my vitamin order on hold for 2 months
  5. backup all the drivers on each computer with Driverback (remember to put on CD)
  6. merge CDG file names with the BLS songs file (mark with yellow all songs with sheet music)
  7. organize my research files - manual or scanned into the computer
  8. no matter which research system selected, must decide on retrieval issues (key words, etc)
  9. reformat the HP752 - make sure that I carefully plan the way it is setup
  10. work on the wireless security issues that are worrying me
  11. read a book on writing screen plays
  12. must read at least 2 books a week from personal collection - no more books purchased until 100 read at a minimum
  13. open and setup the HP7210
  14. call the Fairfield and set up the next visit (arrange air and car too)
  15. remove duplicate pictures from all the computers - also decide the filing system for the pictures
  16. send $25 check to La Cuna, Inc.
  17. finish the pet collage for FL - should the prints be made at Costco/Wal-Mart or at home
  18. clean up the karaoke recordings so that only good ones are left
  19. teach Cheryl the recording process so that she can help me record my singing
  20. Just found a plastic box with about 45 software programs (CDs) that missed the culling process. Many of these are just games or the stand alone programs that costs between $10 and $20, not sure if I want to keep them
  21. ask Cheryl where the acknowledgement is from Charminade for the donated software
  22. ask Cheryl where is estimate of FMV for the donated cameras
  23. complete an interim family newsletter for just the maternal side - just a update on the Hawaii side of the family - need questionnaire and pictures
  24. labels on the plastic drawers downstairs
  25. finish the reading room (see 88): see pics of Murphy Bed
  26. finish BLS 2003 project - finish BLS 2005 project - finish BLS insurance project
  27. clean my bathroom of clutter and discard all the old and unused stuff
  28. complete the family video by adding photos and inserts
  29. watch all the videos that FL lent me
  30. Handle DW Yu issues
  31. buy new speakers for the karaoke room
  32. complete the exercise room
  33. complete the kitchen remodel
  34. find out why I cannot whistle anymore
  35. hook up the extra USB unit
  36. get a second monitor for my main computer
  37. locate my favorite stapler
  38. go through the negatives and determine which ones I should get prints for
  39. research why some photos show up in email and other do not
  40. start reading all the magazines that are backing up on me
  41. come up with a better storage plan for the 200 sheet music files for each disk + 26 alpha folders - need better access while I am singing
  42. empty the grey holding bin of the temporary manila letter files
  43. setup a better tax file for BLS, FL and us
  44. organize the office supplies so that they are not all over the office
  45. fix the VCR connected to my computer
  46. research the feasibility of Sling for watching TV on my computer
  47. finish the 7 xmas cards and the 2 stories
  48. finish the story for the competition (3/2006)
  49. consider either a terabyte external drive or just a 500 GB drive - need to analyze price
  50. need to eliminate all the duplicate backups that I have on all the computers
  51. re-learn to play the piano, especially the chords and how to determine the rhythm
  52. lose 35 more pounds lost 8 pounds as of 01/01/2006
  53. reorganize my passwords and software keys
  54. get a handle on all the shareware I have purchased
  55. work on the Everybody's reunion group - sample newsletter possibility
  56. want to do a AY alumni newsletter for the Hawaii office
  57. correlate Margo's scores with Astrology
  58. Master the Jigsaw software program
  59. investigate alternative health claims - either website or newsletter
  60. need a coherent backup policy which I commit to following
  61. start writing the How To booklets - need a workable master template
  62. need to organize the software on each computer (partially assignable project)
  63. need to think about creating two different users on the computers - one only for the internet
  64. research the credit bureaus and study their reports
  65. figure out what is happening in the credit repair world
  66. start a story journal for ideas for articles, pamphlets and books
  67. bite the bullet on the genealogy software
  68. go to DLH house to attempt to retrieve the data in the .sqz file
  69. figure out what kind of rice to buy and HOW to properly cook it
  70. finish the 2 photo restoration projects (hopefully one this year) (partially assignable project)
  71. organize my software shelves by function - approach from the software list - but gotta get the shareware on this list first (partially assignable project)
  72. try a handwritten journal to see what impact it might have on the writing process
  73. obtain comprehensive reviews of all my software, file and use these reviews to make a final keep or give away decision (partially assignable project)
  74. start taking more digital shots to improve my picture taking skills - try for a more artistic approach
  75. complete the numerous astrology projects
  76. learn enough Italian to sing Italian song without fumbling over the language
  77. learn Japanese since I purchased the software
  78. Learn Korean since I am watch all the K-Dramas
  79. try to get over my mental block on memorizing the words to the songs I sing - try to read the words first
  80. download the words to the songs that I sing (assignable project)
  81. re-learn how to sew at a rudimentary level - tablecloths, repairs and minor machine hemming
  82. what to do with my CDs policy - need more shelves or put excess in another room
  83. design some web pages for the experience - hook them in with the newletter projects
  84. get all the prescription drug information for both of us and post to the website
  85. finish our estate planning changes
  86. finish the reverse mortgage process for FL
  87. make sure that FL is setup with an attorney so that he can make the changes he wants to
  88. call the painter and his father to see if they will finish my reading room (see 25)
  89. call Shawn to see if Sean wants to come over to Karaoke since he is interested in music
  90. Call Shannon for the color she recommends painting the reading room
  91. decide if I want pursue my Feng Shui research any further - is this worth an article
  92. start a list of what I know and can write about with minimum research
  93. additional collages: New York, Cruising, Friends, Family, Pets, Wedding, and Europe
  94. hire a crew to completely clean the kitchen
  95. talk to DLH about the two boxes of powder I found - would she like them
  96. have to cull my wardrobe again and remove the larger clothes
  97. copywriting seminar - need to start
  98. go over all the miscellaneous equipment that I have lying around and decide if there is a real use, otherwise, give away
  99. go over the steps and theories in Organizing from Within and apply to my office and bathroom
  100. cull my list of Books To Read and remove the ones that I have read or bought - Have Cheryl request one per week
  101. with the immuno diet, I need a more thoughtful approach to which restaurants I can go to and what to order - perhaps, it makes sense to request menus so that I can plan a little better. From now on, I shall try to get menus whenever I pass a restaurant
  102. start to use the mathematics program - I need to discover how much is gone and needs to be re-learned
  103. keep researching the solar cells - I would like to have them installed within the next year
  104. try to borrow some books on how to take notes - I just realized that I never learned to do this
  105. close all extraneous accounts
  106. develop a plan to pay off all the credit cards
  107. find out from CPB what was our credit score
  108. have to shop at Office Depot before 11/30
  109. call my account exec at Comp USA to find out prices on HDs and dvi ready second monitor
  110. see if the Levenger products are similar to anything offered locally (Card Bleachers and Action Folios)
  111. check with CPB to see how long my old CB checks are good for; if they expire at EOY, then order more - expires 3/31/06
  112. find out how to arrange the My Documents so that it is always in alpha order
  113. need to reorganize My Documents so that all computers are handled in the same way - there is too much on-the-fly stuff happening with the files
  114. need to print out each computer's directory so I can determine where each software is installed and where the data files are kept (look back, I think this is related to another task)
  115. set up the second monitor on the 8400 - Had to use for the new Mac
  116. return the 5-port ethernet switch to Comp USA
  117. followup on the missing entertainment book (mailed to me 12/7)
  118. use the Discover Card offer before 12/31/2005 - too late I forgot to do this
  119. pay all medical bills before 12/31/2005
  120. make all charitable contributions before 12/31/2005
  121. finish 2005 BLS GL NOW
  122. start working with the Mac computer
  123. try out the Linux software, especially the knoppix CD
  124. check out the different book websites that Cheryl inputted on Outlook
  125. setup The Master Ganealogist and tie in with Super Family Tools
  126. read the Winn Schwartau articles
  127. start the computer high school project
  128. make copies of all the songs that I am missing
  129. fill up my iPod with music. I am not sure how many songs 6 GB will hold (maybe 2,000 songs?)
  130. reformat the Dell 8200 - make sure that I carefully plan the way it is setup
  131. I need to create some sort of writing schedule - I have written nothing since the Creative Writing class finished
  132. get electrician to change the lighting in the computer room
  133. start using the Alpha Smart again -
  134. answer chris' question about my hard disk needs (music, digital photography, and backups) (backup 60 + 60 + 40 + 60 + 120 + 60 + 80 + 80 + 20 = 580 GB of hard disk space) How much is data?
  135. need to estimate how much data I need to backup of the 580 GB of hard disk space I have ... just bought a 320 HD external
  136. bite the bullet on downloaded software - get rid of it if I am not going to install or buy
  137. obtain listing of all IRS publications - order anything that sounds interesting
  138. pick up our estate planning folder from the attorney's office (then complete #85 above)

As of 12/22/2005 I finished 34 of the 114 projects! Completed 29.8 %

As of 12/22/2005, I finished 13 of the 24 additional projects! Completed 34.1%

As of 8/4/07, I finished 81 of the 138 projects! Completed 58.7%

Need to finish this list and then sort and merge by topic. I feel satisfied that the list a good start on what I want to accomplish in the next 6 to 12 months.

I just decided to use numbers verses bullets. This might help organize them easier when I copy and paste to excel for re-organizing. Wow, I am remembering quite a lot of things I had forgotten that I wanted to complete. I see a number of projects that Tricia can help me with. This is great. I am not ready for her to work on the other scheduled project anyway.


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