Soretta, Soretta
December 13, 2008 we lost another dear sweet fur angel. Sadness overwhelms me as I think about how much Soretta endured before she was released from her ailing body. One thing to remember and one thing to keep us going in the coming days. Soretta was the "boss" and let no one tell her otherwise. It was very clear to the other dogs and maybe even the cats. Cats are a whole other subject I think. Anyway, let's get back to Soretta. A lab-german shepard mix!!! What?????? A big dog. YES!!!!! She pulled more to the lab and the soft nature of a lab. Wow how scared was I when I first met the two lab mixes. But after awhile it got to be second nature to listen to their strong, loud voices. They took nothing for granted and barked at everthing, except maybe on the every other monday when they would be left out of their house to wait for us to show up and take them for their walks. They would be sitting in front of the gate with their sweet faces all expectant and hopeful that they might get a treat beforehand and not one disrespectful bark.
It's so remarkable how time can pass and as often as one thinks they look at something how much for granted we expect that somthing to remain the same. It was not to be so for Soretta. Over the last few months she changed drastically, but life is strange that way. we always were optimistic that something wonderful would happen. Alas, it was not to be so. Did Soretta leave a legacy? Yes indeed. It is to say that loyalty, true blue faithfulness and love is always true no matter how bad times may get. We expected a miracle! Soretta we all love you and miss you very much. I have told Katarina and Papi that they will be alright without you and your guidance. I told them what you said about taking care of your family. Papi doesn't really understand, but I think Katarina will come to accept that you had to leave and that you were so relieved to be out of your body and free of your debilitating illness. Happy! Free At Last! Happy Tails Soretta.