Wednesday, January 08, 2003

United Airline thoughts...

Today, the United Airline (UAL) pilots agreed to accept a 29% pay cut. Big of them. However, UAL pilots used to make about $287,000 per year for 50 hours of work PER month. That would be 600 hours per year, or $478.33 per hour. This contributed a LOT to the airline's banruptcy. The Flight Attendants agreed this week to a nine percent wage decrease. The machinists rejected a 13 percent wage decrease last month.

Actually, I believe the company should close and its assets sold to other airlines who will operate them more efficiently and productively. UAL has been too poorly managed to survive. I know this sounds cold...but what can you do...they pay their people the highest in the field, get the least productivity, provide the worst passenger service...what's worth saving? The employees own 55% of the company and used this position to give themselves even larger raises. Management warned the union leaders that UAL was losing too much to continue in operation. The Union leaders apparently did not believe management. I guess they thought there was some Enron-type machinations going on.

I just wanted to get this down here while I go research further.


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