Friday, January 10, 2003

Misc Rants

I guess we helped France during WWII. God knows, they did little enough to help themselves! I need to get control of my anti-France stance...I know it solidified when they detonated atomic bombs in the South Pacific. Their nimby attitude REALLY pissed me off! However, I should learn to let go of stuff from the old days...right?

hmmm...oh-oh, I can feel a bunch of rants coming on...:

my upset with SS for her comments about my dad's car (after he died) and that she was oblivious to how sick I was when she was complaining about the conditions of her life

my upset with SD about her only calling me when she wants help (or someone to listen)

my upset with B for counting the number of "I's" verses "You's" in a letter I wrote when I was 12 or 13 years old

my upset with the people who never reply to anything I personally write them (much less send them)

my upset with JMS for her comments about the people who died in the WTC

my upset with PW for spending 60+ hours on an 8 hour project (and not blinking an eye when she submitted her timesheet) and my upset with myself for allowing this to happen

Wow...this is getting to be a harangue instead of an email (ggg)!

Maybe, I should copy this and put it in my blog for further work. I am sure there are lots of self-defeating patterns disclosed here.


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