Saturday, December 07, 2002

Finishing up Friday

Yesterday, we went to see the movie, Solaris. I enjoyed the movie a lot. The kids did not like it because they could not follow the convoluted story line. There were many flash backs which the kids could not understand or track. They were unclear what episodes were from the past verses in the present. After the movie, I tried to explain the ideas the show attempted to convey. It is hard for kids (ages 9, 12, and 13) to really get the concept of second chances and what a bittersweet experience is like. There was some rear nudity which all three had trouble coping with. Of course, the brief nudity scenes were nothing like the scenes from Fast Runner! I dropped Jim off for his band concert.

The girls and I went to Costco to buy some of the things for the Christmas party (scheduled for next Saturday). The girls are really excited with the idea that they might be babysitting the smaller kids. They are coming up with games, activites and prizes for the smaller kids. They are disappointed because I do not know who, their ages, and more specifics about the kids that will be there. Grant just told PW that there would be about 20 kids and 20 adults.Will call Grant to get more information.

Starting on Saturday

Dick is packing for his trip. Actually, he is putting his clothes on the side of the suitcase and I will put them in the suitcase. He is not much of a packer. Neither am I, but at least I can fit everything in without excessive wrinkling, etc. I think he is really looking forward to being away. Max and I will miss him. But, I know he needs to travel or he slumps into a depression.

6:11 PM - I sent the email to the shareware company and am waiting for a reply. Scott came around 3:15 and left around 6:00. He fixed the network problem. I caused the problem by setting up the network using the hub configuration. I should have used the first option. I have to go check Brian's network to see if I did the same thing there. I suspect that I did. The hard thing to understand is that the other network is workign fine.

Dick and I are leaving in 30 minutes for dinner and then on to the airport. On the way there, we plan to stop at IHS to drop off 10 BBQue chicken tickets that I bought from Aina Haina PTA fundraiser. The pickup is Sunday. I normally give IHS much more notice than this. I shall try to be more organized with future tickets.

I am examining my feelings at this moment. Am feeling a little disconnected and blue. I am not sure why this is the case. Does this happen more often than I realized? I suspect not because I don't think there are any other references to blue feelings in this blog (prior to yesterday). What is not being handled? I should run a chart to see if there is something being overlooked.


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