Early spring cleaning
M, M, M
Did I cause you undue concern on clearing out some of the old posts? Gosh! I should have let you know in advance maybe. But the other day after looking at the blog, I thot it a good idea to free up some space for you since you are now comng to the blog more often. Let's call this an early spring cleaning. ;-) Besides, most of the posts are dated and all my thoughts seemed tiresome and dreary. Just like the last two days have been. I cannot believe how this dark and dismal weather has made me feel. It started out a nice sunny morning and now there's a steady drizzle. OK as I'm sitting here it's starting to pour down. So I'll go back to hotmail now and send you a note there as well.

This was a major shock to me. I did not know what to think. It seemed like in one sweep 15% of the blog disappeared!
I had come to think of the blog as more of a permanent recording of the passage of time. If you had talked to me, I think I would have asked you not to delete your posts. Converting to draft status would have been preferable.
Does this mean you will not post in the future, just comment? BTW, I did activate the EMAIL link MRS.blogger@GMail.com. I set this up last night.
I am relieved that your actions do not reflect some angry state! (gg)!
See ya tomorrow...
ta ta
I see your point about the passage of time, but actually, it really has to do with the passage of time for you and what you were thinking and feeling. Don't you agree? I think we have your original blogs and why you started this blog in the first place. If this was a major shock to you I'm not sure what I can do to ease this unintended consequence, except to discuss any future blog activity before I make any major changes.
It was my intention as I discussed with you earlier that I hoped to move on to a new blog, but perhaps I should just stay here, what do you think? D
It is odd to see your comment here. I had thought it was an email comment. Anyway, hopefully, everything is OK.
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