Tugger, the Cat
A friend asked about my pets. I already had a post of Max, the Dog. So Here are some shots of

Tugger, our British Shorthair.
He tends to usually look very serious. I guess it is because I have never caught him with his mouth open.
He is much more friendly and interactive with me since Max, the Dog moved in. Could he be protecting his territory? He usually comes running when I get home.

Here Tugger is looking a bit more regal... I like this one.
I tried to upload one of kitty shots. However, it was .tiff format. I am not sure where I filed the .jpg version. I really have to get to the To Do that will force me to organize all my photos.
Here is a shot of Tugger listening intently to my Grand-niece's instructions:

I really like the second photo of Tugger. One reason I think he comes running when you come home is cuz it means "din din".
Hmm, maybe. I did think it was to show off in front of Max. But, he does seem to hang around the door like he wants to go upstairs. He does this irrespective of whether he has eaten or not. Course, it could be SAS Deficit for cats!
I was researching peer to peer file sharing related stuff when I found your blog. While Tugger, the Cat wasn't exactly what I was after, it made interesting reading so I'll be sure to pop by again. I'm off to find out more information about peer to peer file sharing. Keep up the good work.
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