Friday, December 16, 2005

Karaoke 12/15/2005

D and I sang for about 4 hours today. I had trouble singing from the correct spot. I am not sure I like my voice. Perhaps I should record it more often. I could make a CD with 14 or 15 of my songs. If I listened to it often, I would get past my voice reactions and begin to really hear what I sound like.

In my lessons, it is difficult to hear when the sound is good. But the time my teacher points it out to me, the sound is only a dim memory. I am trying to stay focused when I sing. I guess there is singing for fun and then, there is serious singing. Serious singing is, well, serious. Can I have fun and still be serious?

I sang 3 or 4 songs from the Broadway show, Aida. This may be the first time I really listened to the lyrics. I had a difficult time staying outside of the story. It was just too sad to bear. I contemplated giving up singing those songs. However, it will be good practice to not get sucked into the emotionalism of a song.

My teacher believes that singers who can communicate with the listener have good acting skills. This may explain my inability to consistently convey a song's meaning. I suspect I do not have much talent for acting. I lack natural story telling skills. Acting is unappealing to me.

Anyway, there is something wrong with my singing. I guess the best thing is to make the CD. That will probably take me about 8 hours to practice and record 14 songs. I do not know where I will find the hours. Maybe, I'll cut out the practicing part. After all, I am simply trying to figure out how to make the sound that I want.


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