Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sony Rootkit - Revisited

This is my final chapter in the Sony Rootkit debacle! The problems with the HP computer kept coming back. I fixed it twice! I think I have about 35 hours invested in this process (the two fixes only). After the second fix, the computer worked well for about a week. Then, suddenly, the computer would no longer play MP3s. I did not know if it could extract any MP3s. I assumed it would not. The computer could still play normal CDs and other sound files. It was just the entire MP3 system that was disabled.

I am pretty sure that all the damaged was caused by either the rootkit or some other software that Sony or another record company hid on my computer. The problems started right after I extracted files from 5 or 6 CDs that I just bought from Barnes & Noble. Three of the CDs were from Sony. I am still angry about all of this. Who do these companies think they are! They must think the public are fools who will never really catch them! I read where Sony has caved in one state. However, I believe they are not being completely honest about what and where the software has been hidden. It is possible that Sony does not even know.

In their arrogance, they were probably sloppy about the writing of the software(s). They did no checking or testing to see how the software would work in real life. This is my main beef! I was a legitimate customer. I did not share files or download illegal copies. I did not want to keep popping my CDs into my players. I play all my music from my computer.

I think for a home system, my computers are pretty secure. I do not engage in risky behavior online. I use a hardwired firewall (with a physical limit to the # of computers which can be on at one time), the Windows XP software firewall, Norton AntiVirus, Spybot Search & Destroy, Ad Aware SE Personal, Spyware Blaster, Ace Utilities and PC Doc Pro 3.5. I update all software on all my computers once a week and scan all my computers once a week. I have never found a virus and only a handful of tracking cookies. I never open email attachments. In the rare case where I am expecting an attachment, I scan with Norton. I have made all the recommended changes to my Internet security settings.

Anyway, I gave up on the computer last Saturday. I reformatted and reinstalled all the original software which came with the HP computer. This took about 2 hours. Then, I spent another 2 hours tweaking the setup - getting rid of all the software I did not want. Then, I had to install all my security related software. This probably took less than an hour. I wanted to have something in place before I connected my computer to the Internet.

What I had forgotten was how long the Windows update process was going to take. First, I had to update all the SP1 files. I think this took about 4 to 5 hours. Then, I had to download and install SP2. This took about 8 hours. Then, I had to download and install all the SP2 updates. I think this took about 4 to 5 hours. After that, I updated all my security software. This took another 3 hours.

Hmm, I lost 4 hours somewhere in this summation. I actually timed it. I started at 6 PM and got to this point at 10 PM the next night. Oh, I remember, I ran into some trouble hooking up my wireless USB adapter. This caused me to waste quite a bit of time. I think I was getting really made some stupid mistakes! Of course, I did not just sit there staring at the screen while all this was happening. I did check out the Mac that a friend has loaned to me (I am contemplating a move from PCs to Macs). I suspect that the other work I did was not very efficient since I had to keep jumping back to the HP to click OK, etc.

Anyway, all this to get to the point where I installed Microsoft Office.

This whole experience has taught me a few things:
  1. I do not need to buy any more CDs from ANY company
  2. iTunes is a viable way to get new music that I really want
  3. I buy too many Sony products (HD TV, 3 cameras, CDs, etc.) - this will all stop from now on
  4. I will never make another MP3 since I will not buy another CD. So, I can get rid of all my MP3 making files
  5. backup, backup, backup !! I just got Acronis and bought a new 320 GB external. This is not big enough to back up all my computers. However, my main ones and then just the data files on the other systems. No, wait, this won't work. I do NOT want to go through another SP1 and SP2 update again. Okay, I have to think more on this point.


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